Twitter4J now supports application-only authentication

Finally application only authentication has come. Many thanks to @komiya_atsushi!

Application only authentication is an OAuth 2.0 based technique to make API calls without getting users’ permission. To enable application only authentication, you need to explicitly set enableApplicationOnlyAuth=true in your

For more information, check and the test case.
Application-only authentication | Twitter Developers
twitter4j/twitter4j-core/src/test/java/twitter4j/auth/ at master · yusuke/twitter4j · GitHub

Application-only authentication is currently available only with the latest snapshot build.

Still want to celebrate #Twitter4J6thAnniversary? Please consider making donation.
Celebrating​ #Twitter4J6thAnniversary | Twitter4J blog

Thanks, and happy tweeting!

Celebrating​ #Twitter4J6thAnniversary

Can’t believe that six years have past. It’s a long story!
I released the very initial version of Twitter4J on June 7th, 2007. I got one boy(@ryunosukey) and one girl(@babyyamamoto) since then.
Here are their first tweets.

I have no idea how many applications are using Twitter4J. But surely hundreds and thousands of applications are using it. I greatly appreciate all your help. Many many changes have been made to the Twitter API including introduction of rate limitation, image upload, hashtag, retweet, annotation, list, streaming API, API 1.1 and such. Me and contributors have been working very hard to catch up with the API without breaking stride. Just like my son and daughter, Twitter4J have been beloved by many developers. I’m very proud that Twitter4J have been, and will be supporting a large number of applications / services.
This could never happen without you – Twitter4J contributors and developers using Twitter4J.

Another interesting side of Twitter4J is that the success of Twitter4J lead yet other success stories. Dealing with Web API is not a rocket science. Actually Twitter4J is a super simple library. But making thing simple is sometimes even complex. I spent huge time on designing it’s interface and architecture. And now I see many libraries based on Twitter4J out there.
weibo4j – Sina Mblog openAPI javaSDK – Google Project Hosting
API Java Client – API – Confluence
Facebook4J – A Java library for the Facebook Graph API
ts-3156/mixi4j · GitHub

Again, many thanks to Twitter4J users and contributors. Ah, you want to say thanks to me? Hit the following tweet button and/or donate via PayPal!

If you like to, send an email to with your name, your service/application name, and URL. I’ll put a link below:

Twitter4J 2.x.x is dead, long live the Twitter4J 3.0!

I hope that you are aware of the Twitter API 1.0 retirement.

With this retirement, Twitter4J 2.2.x or earlier will no longer work ever again.

But you’re lucky!
Migrating to Twitter4J 3.0 (compatible with Twitter API 1.1) is super easy. Just move on to Twitter4J 3.0.x and you’ll see compile errors where you have any compatibility issue with the API 1.1.
If you don’t get it, have a look at the migration guide.
Twitter4J – Migrating from 2.2.x to 3.0.x